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Mitutoyo erfüllt die höchsten Anforderungen
Offizielle Mitutoyo-Hintergrundbilder hier kostenlos herunterladen
Carbon Fiber Caliper
>Ultra-lightweight design (with carbon fiber reinforced material) reducing the total weight by up to 50%.
>Excellent resistance against water and dust (IP 66 protection level), perfect for use in the roughest machining situations.
>Direct readout of inside measurements from the LCD (offset value can be set with just the push of a button).
>Featuring a preset function for setting a desired starting point.
>Available in many different sizes, with and without ceramic jaws, perfect for magnetic or abrasive workpieces.
>Suitable for a range of applications, the carbon fiber calipers are available with a variety of optional interchangeable jaws.
Modernized to Meet Your Needs.
>Statistical Process Control output transmits data to a Mitutoyo mini-processor or computer.
>With a measuring resolution of 0.01 mm, even the most detailed measurements can be made.
>Coming with Mitutoyo’s ABSOLUTE scale, data is accurate from power-on without the need for an origin setting.
>Extremely quick, the Carbon Fiber Calipers have response speeds of up to 1600 mm/s.
>Coming with adjustable jaws, certain variants can measure even the oddest of workpieces.
Highly resistant to water, oil, and coolant
Mitutoyo's coolant-proof calipers are a versatile and durable solution for precision measurement in challenging environments. These calipers are specifically designed to withstand exposure to coolant and other liquids commonly found in machining and metalworking applications, making them an ideal choice for industrial and manufacturing settings.
One of the key features of Mitutoyo's coolant-proof calipers is their construction. Made from durable materials such as hardened steel, these calipers are resistant to corrosion and wear, ensuring that they can stand up to the rigors of heavy use in industrial settings. Additionally, the calipers are IP67-rated, meaning they are protected against the ingress of water and dust.
Another important feature of Mitutoyo's coolant-proof calipers is their accuracy. These calipers are designed to provide high-precision measurements, with resolutions as fine as 0.01mm or 0.0005 inches. They also have a range of features, including absolute sensor technology, as well as a convenient data output function that allows measurement data to be transferred to a computer or other device.
Ease of use is another advantage of Mitutoyo's coolant-proof calipers. They are designed with a large LCD screen that provides clear and easy-to-read measurement readings, and they also feature a zero-set function that allows users to easily reset the caliper to zero for taking comparative measurements. Additionally, the calipers are available in a range of sizes and configurations, making it easy to find the right tool for your specific application.
Overall, Mitutoyo's coolant-proof calipers are a reliable and efficient tool for precision measurement in challenging environments. With their durable construction, high accuracy, and ease of use, these calipers are an ideal choice for industrial and manufacturing applications where precision measurement is essential.
In addition to standard types of small tools, Mitutoyo also provides its customers with a wide variety of solutions for special applications.
Mitutoyo offers a range of specialized micrometers and calipers designed for specific applications. These specialized instruments are built to provide accurate and reliable measurements in unique settings and are tailored to meet the specific needs of different industries and applications.
For example, Mitutoyo offers depth micrometers for measuring the depth of holes or slots, as well as groove micrometers for measuring the width of grooves or keyways. These specialized tools are designed to provide precise and accurate measurements in hard-to-reach areas or where traditional measurement tools cannot be used effectively.
Mitutoyo also offers a range of specialized calipers, including digital calipers with a range of jaws and attachments for measuring various external and internal dimensions. These specialized calipers are ideal for measuring hard-to-reach areas or where a specific shape or feature needs to be measured.
In addition, Mitutoyo offers specialized micrometers for measuring thread pitch and thread depth, as well as specialized tools for measuring the thickness of materials such as sheet metal.
Overall, Mitutoyo's range of specialized micrometers and calipers provides a comprehensive solution for a wide range of industries and applications. Whether you need to measure depth, thread pitch, or thickness, there is a Mitutoyo instrument that is designed to meet your specific needs.